nAvitar Benefit Concert

submitted by Lia Chastity (Liyanin Aytanin, Alimatan Tsahik)

"Eywa ngahu"

Greetings all, I have some interesting news. Marianna Monentes is now the proud owner of nAvitar. This sim is a role play sim inspired by the movie, Avatar. The sim's timeline takes place roughly 20 years before the movie. There are many great role players who enjoy the atmosphere and sheer beauty of the sim. There are three Na'vi clans who reside in different areas of Pandora. The sim features the Alimatan Clan.  Their home is Hometree. The Leaders of this clan are Neyteri Onyett who is the leader or Olo'Eyktan, and Lia Chastity the spiritual leader or Tsahik. We have the Pali Clan which resides on the plains. The Leader is Shain Bowdit, the Olo'Eyktan, and Sophie Stuer, his Tsahik. There is also the Tahni Clan which reside high in the Hallelujah mountains. The leader is NING Westland and his Tsahik Neyteri Aurotharius. Yes, we do have the Pra which includes an in-depth Avatar program. The Leader is Kaeli Borgin and her Second in Command is Bruizer Yakubu. Spec-Ops is the military presence leading the fearless marines into the forests of Pandora. The Colonel is Raoul Viper and his Second in Command, Lieutenant Smoke Fang. The sim has a large marketplace for the purchase of excellent clothing and items from various vendors across Second Life who also appreciate the ideas behind the movie. We encourage you to stop by and pay us all a visit, and maybe even join the role play.

We do have a very special event coming up on Saturday, September 25, at 12 PM SLT. We will be featuring Tauri Tigerpaw Live. She will be accompanied by Lia Chastity and Kaeli Borgin on stage with her. This Event is one of many we like to hold as a special Out Of Character day. We try to hold these once a month.  Come join us for this very special event!

Pictured from left to right: Kaeli Borgin - PRA Avatar Director, Shain Bowdit - Pali Clan leader, Lia Chastity - Alimatan Spiritual Leader, Marianna Monentes - Sim Owner, Dojiba Sabra - Lead GM, and Tauri Tigerpaw - Live performer

Pictured from left to right:Neytiri Aurotharius - Tahni Spiritual Leader, Lia Chastity - Alimatan Spiritual Leader - Kaeli Borgin - PRA Avatar Director, Neyteri Onyett - Alimatan Clan Leader, Dojiba Sabra - Lead GM, and Shain Bowdit - Pali Clan leader
(Unavailable for photo:Raoul Viper - Spec ops Colonel, Smoke Fang - Spec Ops Lieutenant, Sophie Stuer - Pali Spiritual leader, NING Westland - Tahni Clan Leader, Bruizer Yakubu - Lead lab Engineer)

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