Kantbe Serious: Salsa the Party Animal?

submitted by Kantbe Thursday

What's this? Reports of Salsa Waverider being a party animal? Alias, bitten by the surfer bug, it seems true; partying is now in her blood. Spotted recently at a show hosted by bullet Admiral at Nancy Blake's Pub next to Bundoran Reef in West of Ireland, Salsa was out dancing and making new friends.
When asked why Salsa wasn't busy working on SLSA fund raising for Archipelago, she explained that she had just finished sending out thank you IM's for all the wonderful donations when she received an invitation from Bullet Admiral to come to the party. Being all about parties, how could Salsa refuse? Besides, she said that dancing helps her keep her trim, svelte figure.

Looks like Surf Rang may have a little competition for Salsa's attentions. Gotta watch those fox, clever little guys. Already giving Salsa sexy clothes...


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Rod Ambrose said...

Salsa was abused by our giraffe?
I hope we won't get sued now...

Bandit said...


Ooops, sorry...
Thought you were squirrels!!!

Kantbe Thursday said...

That tweren't Salsa, Rod, that was me! I've warned Salsa so she knows not to try to pet it.

And it looked so sweet....

- Kantbe