Down Memory Wave...

This is a tale about a plant...
There's also a tail on the dog but let's start with the plant that came first.
The plant was a gift to a certain someone in Second Life (SL).  However, the plant required actual in-world care and this person's social and surfing calendar made it very difficult.  So care of the plant was passed to Tauri Tigerpaw who set it out at the house.  Tauri missed many an event and competition dedicating her SL to care of the plant (the infamous, "I have to go take care of the plant" excuse that is still in use today).  Eventually, care was given to the entire SOS (Sisterhood of the Sand) group.  And then came Bandit, and the watering of the plant was left to him who diligently watered it daily, depending on how much water he drank. 

Be the first to name the owner of this plant (pictured here at Mori at a Bandit and the SOS plant Reunion) in the comments section and win 250L!!!

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Kekoa Arbizu said...

awww, i don't know who owned it but the story about a doggie looking after a plant is just too beautiful and sweet, i think i melted.

Anonymous said...

Buffy Monroe!!!!

SurfWatch/Tauri Tigerpaw said...

ROFL! Buffy is RIGHT! And 250L will be coming your way in world, Ems! WOOOOOF!!!!

Bandit said...


Lick on the nose for Kekoa
Lick on the nose for Emma
Lick on the nose for Tauri
Lick on the nose for Buffy
And a raise of the hind leg for the SOS plant!


Anonymous said...

I have one of those plants. I think it's in my inventory now. :D

Buffy said...

*Scratches Bandit behind the ears* Bandit is so great, we sat on the deck together with the plant for old times sake, I talked about Mori and the memories and he just placed his head in my lap and everything felt alright.... ;-)