7 Wonders of the SL Surfing World

Second Life (SL) surfing has some amazing creations.  SurfWatch is compiling a list of the 7 Wonders of the SL Surfing World.  These would be currently in existance in SL, for example, our first on the list is the current Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) Hall of Fame (HoF):

These would be not just locations, but any SL surfing creation of any kind that should be commemorated.  We'd like to add the SLSA itself which as an SL organization has endured and withstands the inevitable struggles, the team of Heather Goodliffe and Sebastian Saramago as the creators of SL surfing with their surfable waves and creations, as well as the Surf Heaven sky location at Tai which displays over 500 surfboards.  We're looking for more amazing SL surfing wonders to add to the list!  Let us know what you consider to be one of the 7 Wonders of the SL Surfing World!

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Jimbo said...

Great question.

I'd have to say the Pier and Boardwalk at Tsunami/Freeport. Woven together by a beautiful black sand beach,it's a great place to shop, surf, and mingle with some of the friendliest surfers you'll ever meet!

And also Surf Shop 6, with it's fine attention to detail, it has the look and feel of a real surf shop. Top Notch! Located at Monkey Cove, along with a great variety of surfing and things to see.


Colleen Brennan said...

Wow Jimbo thank you so much! Everyone is always welcome so please do come visit.

I love the Surf Shop 6 as well and can think of so many other great locations.

The jungle break at Sol Mananero as you leave the horse trail and reach the beach comes to mind immediately.

So many amazing places.... I need to go on an expedition a figure a top 7. This will be really hard with a limit of only 7.