The Temp

SurfWatch recently contacted a temp agency to get some help covering the receptionist desk at SurfWatch Headquarters at beautiful Boracay Island. 

After a very grueling selection process, one candidate clearly stands out above the rest to spend a day assisting the staff.

Take a memo, Busta (Rustamova)!  And no, the staff doesn't get a 10 minute tequila break every hour (it's more like every 2 hours!)

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Kantbe Thursday said...

Only a 10 minute tequila break?!?

Dang it! Guess I shudda read that new employee handbook on the rules. I suppose the next thing I'll hear is that you're supposed to spend more time at the desk working than napping in the hammock.


Colleen Brennan said...

But you can have one of Grandma's "special" brownies in between breaks.