We were recently having a convo about Second Life (SL) situations and talking about SL etiquette - is there such a thing? You know, the kinds of things you run into in SL and are not sure of the proper way to handle. We'll be periodically posting these dilemmas and looking for genuinely constuctive feedback on your opinion. If you have a comment or a dilemma of your own, let us know and we'll add it to the list!
When is it okay to delete someone from your friends list? How about from your picks? Is there a certain period of time you need to honor after they leave SL to remove them without hurting their feelings? Or should you make some kind of announcement to them prior to deleting? Or should you disregard their feelings because you are dropping them off your list, after all? Tell us what you think!
Tauri's Tidbits and Sticky Situations

1)Random friending from complete strangers you’ve never ever spoken to, must always be graciously accepted and deleted without ceremony the next day when the person is offline ;)
2)you bettah not delete me tauri! lol
HA! It depends upon the type of friend. SumTime, ya want to make sure they know you don't like 'em anymore and you wait until their online and kick 'em. I had a French girl do that to me to make a point, I guess. You can also be a chicken about it and wait until you know they're offline (bluck, bluck, bluck).
I've got some that I guess are gone, but I just can't bring myself to thinking they may not come back one day. Koh, for example, the best competition cheerleader we've ever had and the one who held my barf bag for me at my first competition.
You out there sum'rs, Koh? HUGS! If you are!!!
I have never dropped anyone from my friends list. Unless you can tell me having friends you only talk to once a year causes surf lag, I doubt I ever will drop anyone.
I absolutely also have as Kantbe says a list of people I hope come back as well. Sometimes they do. Koh can you hear us calling you back?
Kekoa if you are not on my list I will add you just in case you dropped me without ceremony the day after I caught you in a random friending frenzy.
As to getting dropped... never has bothered me but I am often curious why.
Ahahaha Colleen I’d be honoured. I didn’t specify, of course, surfers you never ever drop, even if you don’t know them…they’re family. ;)
Aww, Kek, I would delete myself before I ever deleted you!!!
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