Kantbe Serious - All in The Family

submitted by Kantbe Thursday

Hey, Ya'll… ya know how sometimes you happen along to sum'n that just warms your heart (no, not that…Q! Get your mind out of the gutter)? I was lucky enough to have one of those experiences when I was doing my daily thing of hang'n around at Archipelago and greeting people.

I was minding my own business, just standing there (apparently right on the Landing Point) when not one, not two, but four people suddenly landed on my head. Luckily, I'm pretty invulnerable to head wounds, even when not wearing Colleen's surfing helmet hair. It turns out I was about to experience a really fun family outing of Lumia Teardrop, her husband Ilvllo Fizzle, and their two girls, Violet Steamweaver and littleapples Lemon.

Lumia and Ilvllo met about 8 months ago and are now together in SL and RL. They decided they wanted a family, so little Violet and recently, littleapples came into their lives. They try to get out as a family two to three times a week. They saw Archipelago listed in the SL Destinations and thought surfing sounded like fun.

After helping them get started on a couple of the loaner boards that are there, I watched for a bit. It was an absolute hoot and they were having a great time… laughing, yelling, teasing each other.. a trip for me and lots of fun for them. Poor little Violet was having some vertigo issues on the board, tho, so I rezzed one for her and set it so it wasn't on tube view anymore. She loved it!

I gave Mom and Dad my surf sim list, pointed out a couple of PG surfing sims (which Mom appreciated for the girls), left them with one of my boards for Violet, and headed out, leaving them to their outing.

I got an IM from Violet later. They had a great time and want to do that some more surfing. Since Violet has a bit of tummy trouble, as she put it, she had picked up a surfboard already so she could have one to use without tube view…. she picked one with a flower on it, I'm told…

It was a great experience for me, and goes to show how rewarding it can be to help out people who are new to surfing and want to give it a shot. We can be serious about our surfing and have a lot of fun… just don't be too serious ;-)


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1 comment:

Em said...

That sounds great, Kantbe - you are a good person for helping someone out and showing them how to have fun at such a fun activity in SL.