Ashleigh's Advice #2: Responses & Head Games!

submitted by Ashleigh Dickins

Well, so far there’s been a good response to my initial column. But I understand it will take some time for others among you to come out of their shells and ask me questions. So this time around, I’m going to answer a couple of comments from last time real quick, and then I’ll focus on an issue I recently came across with a friend on Plurk.
Jimbo writes:
For starters, can you tell everyone your secret on how to grow two additional sets of arms like you did in your photo? A person could increase their hugs output by 200% with a couple extra pair. Thanks!
Dear Jimbo,
I would love to tell you the secret on how I grew two additional sets of arms. Unfortunately, I really can’t. You see, unbeknownst to men, about 90% of women in the world are actually born with two extra sets of arms. A majority of these women are of French descent.  This explains why they have a reputation for not shaving. All that excess armpit hair covers the slit where the arms come in and out from; they’re almost telescopic. You will find that these same women are also those who are very successful at balancing multiple jobs, multiple kids, kids with a job, or kinky sex (when you’re blindfolded you won’t see us take out our arms.) As much as the world could use 200% more Jimbo hugs, the sad truth is, you’re stuck resorting to photoshopping them on, sorry!
Kantbe writes:
I'm waiting for Ash to market that 32 hour a day clock of her's. I've heard she's working on a SurfWatch logo one, too!
Dear Kantbe,
You Kantbe giving away my secrets! Yes, it’s true, I am working on a 32-hour/day clock. Unfortunately beta testing has hit some major snags (I’m still trying to grow back my eyebrows.) However, once I do manage to get it just right, I will let you all know, and I have the SurfWatch logo to plaster on it ready to go!
Mick writes:
Please advise us how to paddle like a motor boat, too, Ash.
Dear Mick,
See my response to Jim. It’s those extra arms! Alternatively, you could try some Red Bull.  Just be careful, I hear it gives you wings!

Now for the main event. I have got some fresh new advice for you on a subject near and dear to my head. Hair.
Wait, keep reading, because this is for GUYS!

I figure us females pretty much have that hair thing covered in SL, aside from looking for a certain style or the money to buy more. However, guys have far fewer choices. In fact, guys seem to get the shaft on a lot of things in SL. Well, I’m here to help you out. Most guys I know don’t do shopping for fun, nor do they subscribe to fashion blogs. If they do, then they don’t need this help most likely. But for all you manly surfer dudes out there surfing bald or wearing hair that is poorly made and not your style (you know who you are *cough*), this is for you.

I dragged out Quench Spotter to give me a hand with showing what I mean. He was nervous, not wanting to lose his current style. However, once I promised to only use the designers’ demo wigs, and only one store, he came along for this fun experiment in style. Check out the pictures below.

There are a handful of great stores out there.   I’m going to give you 4 to get you started. If you want new hair and still strike out here, let me know. Leave me a comment or something and I’ll give you a hand finding that look you always wanted. But for now, guys, check out the male hair sections at: KMADD, Tiny Bird, Truth and Uncleweb Studio! Also keep in mind, Hair Fair 2010 is coming up, but that’s a whole ‘nuther post!

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