SWack - Take a Peek Inside!

The SurfWatch backpack, otherwise known as SWack, is a one-of-a-kind multi purpose item designed for every beach comber. 

Created especially for SurfWatch by Island Sea Dreams owner and Second Life (SL) designer, Countess Decosta, Official SurfWatch Merchandiser, the SWack can be worn as a backpack making it easy to transport your beach essentials. 

But open it up, and you'll find surprises inside!
Each SWack contains:

Vol 1 and 2 of SurfWatch In World Edition
SurfWatch boardies
SurfWatch rashie bikini bottom
SurfWatch rashie jacket for ladies and men
SurfWatch rashie jacket no sleeves
SurfWatch rashie jacket white rim
SurfWatch rashie G bottom

A whole wardrobe of mix and match rashie combinations color coordinated to match the backpack.  The rashie is uniquely designed including detailed lacing on the boardies.

Wear it, use it, open it - the SWack is your one essential for the beach.  Pick up your SWack today at Boracay Island, 500L.

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