Search for New Logo

Sushant Diesel, creator and owner of Deal Ragnarok and Zyngo Ragnarok, is searching for a unique and beautiful logo as he redesigns his two gaming sims in preparation for a change in marketing. 

Starting with a 512 sqm parcel, Sushant now owns two full sims of Zyngo and Deal at Ragnarok (95, 203, 106) that have been successfully operating for over a year.  "Low lag is the most important thing in any game place," Sushant states, "and the most popular games in Second Life (SL) are Zyngo and Deal."

Susant tells us the original name, Ragnarok, was derived from Norse mythology, the final battle of good and evil between the Norse god, Thor, and the serpeant, Midgard.  The current sims, while still active with gamers, is in "semi-construction" as Sushant targets a new market, and changes the name to Burj al Arab (which Susant tells us is the tallest building in the world) - Arabian Deal:  1 million Jackpot Deal.

Contact Sunshant Diesel in world for more details on a chance to earn some linden and submit your design for this texture and logo project!  And tell him you read it in SurfWatch!

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