Bandit's "Recon Mission" on SurfWatch HQ

submitted by Jimbo the Cart Boy

There have been numerous reports of staff members sleeping on the job and goofing off at SurfWatch Headquarters. So I decided to take it upon myself to go investigate and get to the bottom of things and make sure the SurfWatch Team continues to bring you the very best News and Views.

Oh shucks there's nobody here, looks like they just took off!

Lots to see at SurfWatch HQ.

With everyone away, it looks like I'm "Top Dog" on the totem pole!

See, hard at work. I don't nap at my desk like SOME PEOPLE!

I prefer my nap next to the fireplace!!!

I hope the SurfWatch team doesn't mistake these fish for sushi.

These plants could use a good watering.

Time to go outside and explore a little, ooOooO pretty waterfall.

It's very scenic here, oh look A BIG WAVE!!!

Time to catch a few waves.

This hot tub is the perfect way to relax after a busy day at SurfWatch HQ.

I'm pooped, time for a nap by the campfire.

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Anonymous said...

Ohhh...Bandit you are always welcome to come visit us anytime. Sorry we missed seeing you!!

Kantbe Thursday said...

Dang it! Lissa drank all the booze and now Bandit has the filter in the hot tub all clogged up!!!

How do you expect anyone to get any work done around here!!!

Lissa Pinion said...

We are in trouble now! Bandit is on the case! Guess we'll have to do some real work now lol

Jimbo said...

Good work Bandit, keep them on their toes at HQ!

SurfWatch/Tauri Tigerpaw said...

oh no you DINT! Bandit, when you say "water the plant" me you did not "water" the plant!!!