Tauri Tigerpaw Performance

Thursday, June 10, 8 PM SLT
Scheduled to make her first live performance in Second Life (SL) in several weeks at AMS/Blaizing Inferno at New AMS, Charmed Beach (81, 49, 22), Tauri Tigerpaw will be dusting off her SL guitar and strumming and singing at 8 PM SLT for an hour long live performance at the special request of good friend, Blaize Korobase, owner of Blaizing Inferno.  Come on out for an evening of tequila, live music, laughing, dancing and fun!

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Kekoa Arbizu said...

Tauri you look awesome! Big eyebrows are so right now \o/

SurfWatch/Tauri Tigerpaw said...

Thank you for noticing, Kek! It felt like a chia pet on my face, but you know I will do anything for fashion...and I may keep the mustache! What fake nose? ;-D

Kekoa Arbizu said...

chia pet rotflmao! fake? i thought you had a deviated septum and had it done so big n beauutiful...yes keep it!

Colleen Brennan said...

Woot Tauri, Your back up dancers will finally have a gig again!