submitted by Revlon Benoir
The Surf Festival is a weeklong celebration of Surfing in Second Life. This year's festival officially opens on Saturday June 19th and runs through Sunday June 27th on the beautiful Avoca Resort SIM (
The festival features surfing exhibitions and competitions. There many contests and prizes a carnival, balloon rides, games and free food. There are nearly 30 exhibits representing Vendors, Creators , SIM Owners and Associations from our community.
Schedule of Events (All times are SLT PST)
Currently and through the 26th we are looking for surf orientated in world photographs for the Surf Photo contest. This event is made available through the generous support of Syx Toshi of the Monkey Paw SIM. This is a blind photo contest. Only Mick Lunasea will know who submitted the photographs. Send FULL PERM photo to Mick Lunasea with title in description line. The contest will be judged by the award winning photographer, Leroy Horton.
1st Prize is L$5000
2nd Prize is L$2000
3rd Prize is L$1000
4th-12th is $L100
Saturday June 19th 9:00 a.m. The Festival Officially Opens.
Saturday June 19th through June Friday June 25th there is a free rides carnival and games. The carnival is brought to you by Leroy Horton Photography and Lucky's Game Room.
Saturday June 19th 11:00 a.m. The SLSA is hosting a competition
Sunday June 20th 11:00 a.m. The First Ever Paddle Board Race will be held. This event is sponsored By Surf Crazy Surf Shop. For the rules, or to enter this contest, drop by the Surf Festival Office or IM Mick Lunasea. Send Note Card with name to enter the race by June 19th. We will try to accommodate stragglers.
First Prize is L$2000
Second Place L$1000
Third Place L$500
Sunday June 20th 1pm SLT, Jac Mornington and Sunshine Zhangsun of Sol Mañanero host an Evening of Sol for the Soul with DJ Azufr3 Catteneo at the Surf Festival Dance Floor located in the NE corner of the sim below the volcano with DJ Azufr3 Catteneo.
Monday June 21st starting at 6:00 p.m. The festival is proud to provide and evening of music dancing and just hanging out with the DJ RJ Schwade presiding.
Tuesday June 22nd at 6:00 p.m. Hey kiddies listen up It is GROMMET Night! This event while open to everyone is Made For Kids By Kids and features the coolest kid of kids DJ Tobiath "Toby" Tendaze. This event is sponsored by Just My Size kid stores.
Wednesday June 23rd 6:00 p.m. DW Surf got busy and brought you the Incredible Heartbreakers Tribute band featuring the music of Pat Benatar. You will not want to miss this show.
Thursday June 24th starting at 6:00 p.m. The festival is proud to provide and evening of music dancing and just hanging out with the DJ RJ Schwade presiding.
Friday June 25th 6:00pm Take a trip down memory lane back to High School because it is the Festival Home Coming Night. The DJ RJ Schwade will be spinning some good old 80's music and SurfWatch's editor-in-chief, Tauri Tigerpaw, former SLSA Director, Hall of Famer, competition marshall and judge, SL live performer, will deliver talk about "Watching da Surf" and then announce the Festival Homecoming Couple. To nominate a couple just drop a note card in the mailbox in front of the Dance Floor.
Saturday June 26th starting at 11:00 a.m. the SLSA Season 1 2010 Awards Ceremony will be held at the SLSA Sim
Saturday June 26th at 4:00 p.m. Conscious about your surf style? Then don't miss the Forever Summer Fashion show produced by the fabulous Opium Modeling Agency and Sponsored by Revlon "Revy" Benoir in conjunction with Island Sea Dreams. The show will feature top models wearing Surf Inspired clothing by top designers.
Sunday June 27th at 10:00 a.m. HP Surf Systems in conjunction with the ABBSL will put on an exciting exhibition of Legarto Burt's latest boards in SL The HP5.
Sunday June27th at 11:00 a.m It is call to the wall as VW Sands, Lissa Pinion and the Vibrations Surf Alliance host a mini competition. No need to register for this event. Just grab your sled and show up.
First Place $L2000 Gift Card
Second Place $L1000 Gift Card
Third Place $L500 Gift Card
Sunday June 27th is the Festival Awards at 1:30 p.m
Syx Toshi of Monkey Paw will be awarding the Winner of the Monkey Paw Surfboard Art Contest.
Revy Benoir will announce Revy's Choice for the best exhibition booth at the festival the winner will receive L$1000.
Syx Toshi will announce the winner of the Festival Surf Photo Contest.
Sunday June 27th at 2:00 pm our very own Sally LaSalle, former SLSA Director, Hall of Famer, Chi and Tai sim owner and long time SL Surfing Advocate, will deliver a speech on The Importance of Supporting the SL Surfing Community.
Sunday June 27th at 2:30 p.m. A very special speaker Sebastian Saramago the creator of the fabulous new Cortes wave will address the Future of SL Surfing Technology.
Sunday June 27th at 4:00 p.m The Grand Finale THE BEACH BOYS take the stage for a free concert . This event is brought to you by Mickey Revy and Kalif Lunasea.
And Remember Pray For Surf
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