Before and After: Abel Halderman

submitted by Mari Monentes

One of the beauties of Second Life (SL) is the ability to look like anything you want, and to change that look in an instant!  Marianna Monentes recently got hold of Abel Halderman, determined to shake things up by changing his look after 3 years.

Hair: Damselfly - Malik Beach Beige Warm
Shape: Kreationz Dyllan
Skin: Ispachi Derek Tanned/Soul Patch
Eyes: Mad Designs Promise - pale blue
Accessories: Vista AO Casual4

Marianna Monentes:  So Abel, tell us how painful the makeover process was for you?
Abel Halderman:  It wasn't painful at all! I got painkillers! Seriously though, imagine someone having the same avie for over three years, not having felt a need to change really. When it came to it, it was fun! I think I look much more like a surfer with the new avie. And I used to have long hair in real life (RL) for a long time (to be honest I just cut it last Friday), so it's fun to have it long again.

MM:  When is the last time you bought hair or shape?
AH:  Well... I bought my old hair... hmm... in July 2007 I think :-). The old shape was home made, yet I haven't modified it for a long time (I think I might have enlarged my belly at some point). Basically, my avie was so old that even if I wanted, there would be no one to contact about refunds.

MM:  Do you think you will wear this in the future?
AH:  Sure I will! I think I will just change my avie from time to time. I kind of like my old avie, too, because it looks a lot like me in RL, but hey, this is SL. I can look like a rock star, right?

MM:  What advice would you like to give to Marianna (smiles)?
AH:  Get more people to experiment with their avies looks!

MM:  What advice would you give someone thinking about doing an avatar makeover?
AH:  First of all, it depends on what effect you want to reach. If you want to look like yourself in RL, it's cool, but basically, you don't have enough distance to your look to get a good effect, unless you have got a real talent. Secondly, don't be afraid. You can always get back to your old look. At the same time with the new one, you can feel much more attractive and comfortable in SL. So give it a shot!

If you are interested in trying a new look, contact SurfWatch and be our next "Before and After"!

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Jimbo said...


Is that one of Tauri's flexi prim blond hairdo's
She's gonna be pissed when she finds out it's misssing!

Thumbs up on the look!

Lissa Pinion said...

I thought it was a new dude on the beach. Started flirting...dang it!