ABSSL Champion Lynda Mimulus

SurfWatch recently caught up with the busy and beautiful Lynda Mimulus to talk about her 1st Place Champion win of the ABSSL circuito Brasileiro de Surf 2010.

SurfWatch:  Will you talk a bit about the major differences you see in the way the ABSSL runs a comp and in the Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) competition format and the advantages of either?
Lynda Mimulus:  I don’t pretend to know how the point system works in both the ABSSL and SLSA.  What I do know is that I prefer how Leo (Leogarto Burt) runs his surf competitions, in that we get to surf  X amount of waves in a set time rather then just given 3 waves with a wait time between each one. Also, there doesn’t seem to be any politics going on in the ABSSL, hence a more relaxed and friendly environmet.  That’s just my opinion. The time zones can be a bit of a problem, but I’m not sure how they’d get round that easily.

SW:  What are some of the highlights about competing in this ABSSL event?
LM:  That has to be me winning first place - yay! And being there to support my friends and team mates when they win or have done well, too.

SW:  What is your current SLSA ranking and/or position in SLSA?*
LM:  I’m not sure where I’m ranked, only that I’m in the T20.

SW:  How did you get started as a beginning surfer, and how long ago was that? Any good stories about your early days? What was your first board? Tell us about your very first time.
LM:  When I first started playing SL, all I wanted to do was to find a nice beach and feel like I could escape, listen to waves and just chill. I found Neart and started surfing within a few weeks. My first board was a freebie which looked like something I’d ripped out from VW’s (VW Sands) fence (laughs).  I don’t remember what it was called.  If I’m not wrong, I think I’m surfing that board in a video clip that Kohana Schimmer made of me.  Here is a link to the video, maybe somebody can tell me what the board is (below).  My first ‘real’ board was a short board ‘Shark’ that Cipriano Grut bought for me.

Learn more at the Second Life Wiki

SW:  Who taught you? Who had the most influence on you as a new surfer? And who inspires you now?
LM:  I wasn’t really taught how to surf in SL.  At the beginning, I read the note card that came with the board and talked to a few people on what keys they used, etc. I would have to say that Cipriano Grut and Gorka Uriah had a big influence on my surfing.  Who inspires me now?  Wow, what a question.  Humm, I would have to say my team as they show me respect and give me lots of encouragement which makes me want to give them 100%.  I’m proud to be part of TaiChi.

SW:  When did you start entering surf comps and what made you want to start?
LM:  Not long after I joined Reef Riders I guess, Cip suggested that I go along to see the team in a Surf Jam. I loved the atmosphere, everybody having fun and cheering the surfers that were about to paddle out.  It was like one huge family that I couldn’t wait to be part of

SW:  What advice would you give new surfers today about surfing in general and about competition surfing?
LM:  I think it was a lot easier for me when I first started surfing in SL, as there weren’t as many beaches back then and most of the surfing community would hang out at Bishara Island Majini. We would sit and chat or just all paddle out and have huge party waves. Most were very helpful and gave friendly advice. So, for new surfers to SL, I would advise them to bookmark the SLSA and Surf Watch websites for useful information and to join the Vibrations group. You’ll normally find an experienced surfer in or around the SL beaches, don’t be shy in asking for advice, just remember to be nice…oh I’m a poet and didn’t know it - hahaha!

As for competition surfing, it’s a good idea to go and watch either a Surf Jam or a SLSA competition and maybe when you feel comfortable in your surfing, enter as an independent surfer.  It’s very flattering to be offered a team membership when you first start out.  What I would advise is speak to each team captain first about their team, and get as much background information as you can to see where you would be best suited.  Let the choice be yours.

SW:  Where do you consider to be the best surfing beaches in SL and why?
LM:  OMG! That would’ve been an easy answer but as there is so many beautiful beaches to choose from it’s hard to say, I have listed as many as I can in my pics but I need to get on to linden labs to provide me with more tabs (laughs).

SW:  Where do you spend most of your time surfing?
LM:  I tend to sim-hop a lot, but usually I’ll go to Mori, Crab Island or Tsunami

SW:  What are your favorite things about SL surfing - list as many as you can think of:
LM:  PARTYWAVES!!!! Acting silly or just having fun with friends new and old, it’s so much more fun wooot!!! You’ll get the idea if you check out these links:

SW:  What's your favorite wave? How do you like to approach a wave?
LM:  The first ever wave I tried was the epic and then the pipes, so I would have to say those two.  However, I also love the one at Crab Island and the Sunset at Tsunami. I wasn’t that sure about Sebastian’s (Sebastian Saramago) new wave at first, but then I tried my HP5 short board on it and woooooot - it’s quaky!!! I like it!  Each wave is very different, so the approach depends on the wave.

SW:  What board do you use now?
LM:  Sniper long, Reaction spider short and the HP5 long and short boards are the ones I use the most.

SW:  Do you have a favorite or trademark maneuver? What would you call your surfing style and where did you learn it?
LM:  Cutback is my favourite maneuver, it just seems to come natural (laughs). When you first start surfing you learn the basics just like in RL but ‘style’ you develop, you can’t learn or copy that.

SW:  What music pumps you up for a competition, if any?
LM:  That really depends on the mood I’m in, I enjoy most genres.

SW:  Is there anything else you'd like to share about your SL?
LM:  Only that I love to surf and to compete in competitions for fun. What I would love to see back in SL is the spirit that Bishara Island Majini once had where all the surfing community would get together.  Damn, I miss that! Sadly, it seems the only time we all meet up these days is at surf competitions.  Maybe that’s just because we have a lot more surfing sims with new waves so we’re spread out a lot more.  More fun mini comps and parties please!!! ‘hint hint’ (laughs)
*  Editors note:  ranked 8th after SLSA Tai Invitational competition
Special thanks to Damien Kleinfeld  for Splendeurs providing Lynda's pink, blue and green Anariam style bikinis for the final 5 photos.  Visit Splendeurs main shop in world at:  http://slurl.com/secondlife/Rosewoods%20Sunrise%20Shores/52/224/22


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Jimbo said...

Great interview!
Lynda, your right on about Maj. It had a certain mystique of it's own that has never been replicated. You mentioned Koh and Cip two genuinly kind people that I miss so much, Socks too who popped in at the comp at Tsunami recently! Brings back some great memories in my early surfing days....

Kantbe Thursday said...

Great interview, Lynda! I hear ya about the old timer Reef Riders. Cip invited me, and I got so much encouragement from him, Gorka, Bobbi, and especially Desi...

And Socks! haha.. where ya think I got my rimshot gesture?

You can see more of Lynda in a Reef Riders' "practice" session at:


Colleen Brennan said...

Wow I was thinming the same thing Jimbo. It was great to see socks, I woudl love to see our favorite mermaid Koh pop in if she ever possibly can and I will always miss Cip. I loved practicing with Cip.