International Invitational World Cup

submitted by Colleen Brennan

Leogarto Burt and Colleen Brennan announce that HP Boards are sponsoring the first International Invitational World Cup Challenge Competition next Sunday May 16th at Tsunami Beach.

The event is being co-sponsored by the Tsunami Surf Team and participating Tsunami Beach vendors. The competition will consist of 20 surfers following the Associacao Brasileira de Surf no SL (ABSSL) competition format. Each surfer will have a timed heat to surf as many waves as they can catch up to six of which the two highest will be included in their score. An HP5 board rezzer will be employed to provide a uniform competition board for all participants.

This format will assure a day of fun surfing in which surfing skill will decide the winner and lag should not be a factor. There will only be one surfer on the waves at a time. Additionally, spectators will be located on the nearby boardwalk and will not impact the surf sim. Colleen notes that she is very excited about the potential of the format and as the potential for minimizing lag as a factor in a surf competition, Tsunami will most likely also use it in its soon to be announced Tsunami Sundays Surf Series. Stay tuned for details on that.

Leogarto Burt and Colleen Brennan are each allowed to invite only 10 surfers to participate in this event. The match will not count for standing in either the ABSSL or Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) . It is an invitational exhibition match demonstrating the new HP5 surf board and the Teahuppo waves. There will, of course, be prizes and trophies and some very skilled surfer will get to walk away as the Cup winner.

If you are interested in participating and from the ABSSL, please contact Leogarto Burt. If you are an SLSA surfer or not affiliated with any league and just loove surfing in Second Life (SL), please contact Colleen Brennan for information. This competition is about fun and trying something new and maybe a little different from the usual.

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1 comment:

Sebastian Saramago said...

That sounds like a lot of fun! I know Colleen has been a major supporter of HP for so long now. its nice to finally see a comp come together. And that wave on the HS sim is lag free so should be a great time. Perhaps I can be one of the ones picked to surf. I can not surf in the SSi comps due to my involvement of making products. Leo's waves are interesting to say the least, and should provide something different and fun.