Mari's Mailbag - In The Tube and On it Surf Report

I just have to write about filming SurfWatch's "In The Tube and On It" Surf Report with Marianna Monentes. What a hoot!! That was incredibly fun to do even though I had some technical difficulties like getting my toes to grasp the rock like eagle talons or a goat!! Then my voice went out and took some tech saavy that really pinched my brain but was able to work it out. This is great for you because we will be doing interviews that you will want to see and maybe even be interviewed! Aeryn Kidd, our technical director, has shown so much patience with me and helps to get it right down to every detail. Thank you, Aeryn.

We are currently working on Traffic report with Lissa Pinion as our Reporter and Quench Spotter as our helicopter pilot. Tauri Tigerpaw thought this through, and I am so impressed with her format and the people she chose to work on this project. I feel its something we all needed to lift our spirts somewhat. There are other projects and columnists that are going to have you very entertained! Make sure you stay tuned - you don't want to miss a single episode!!

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1 comment:

Colleen Brennan said...

Mari you are already a super star. I need to book you to sign autographs at Tsunami. Thank you for making us smile. I hope Tauri at least will get you a less leaky umbrella for Christmas.