SurfWatch In the Tube and on It!!!

SurfWatch's in the Tube and on it giving updated Mari Weather reports from your favorite beaches in all kinds of conditions!  A SurfWatch In the Tube and on It! produced by Aeryn Kidd starring Marianna Monentes.


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Kimmy jigsaw said...

thats Great !!!

RW said...

OMG ... Tauri....what have you done to my wife ?

SurfWatch/Tauri Tigerpaw said...

ROFLMAO!!!! Er...RW! When she left my place, she had her hair all done up and her make-up was perfect...she got stuck in the rain??? Isn't she just the CUTEST!!!!

Jimbo said...

Watch out for 2x4s flying by at 200 miles per hour!!!

Kekoa Arbizu said...

lmao the hair!

awesome vid, really well produced!

Syx said...

Very Cool good job Mari!!

Anonymous said...

Well...honey Tauri actually threw me out on the beach in a tropical hurricane and said "YOU are watchin' da surf!!" Its actually pretty awesome reporting in the eye of a hurricane!!

Rhett "MadDawg" McMahn said...

Mari and Tauri? Have you guys been in my locker again?

Waaaaaay too fun!

Nice work gang. ::MD::

Colleen Brennan said...

I am just worried for Mari because every time Tauri hears of potential tornadoes she gets a certain gleam in her eyes lately.

Lissa Pinion said...

for the record...our lifeguards tried to warn her to go indoors! /me walks off mumbling..dang surfers, hear a storm come in and they grab their sticks and run towards the water instead of away from it