Mari's Mailbag - First Competition

How many of you remember that first competition? Every single one of you, I am sure. For me, my knees were weaker than I think they ever have been even in Real Life (RL). I think it was mostly not knowing exactly what to expect. I know all I needed to do is ask and someone would have told me all the things I would encounter. Like watching for my name to be called to the beach in open chat. I remember learning that - think it was day of competition. Was such a hoot!! Being called and then flying down to the beach where we were to rez our boards and wait to be told to paddle out by the marshall. Then there is the line-up...making sure you get behind the correct surfer. Making sure you don't chat away in open chat for more than one reason. Leaving it open while trying to execute a trick doesn't cut the judges wouldn't appreciate all the chatter too much. I remember one competition where I was heat 5 , surfer 5, and everyone took the last wave and was ready to party before I took mine...that was funny!! So many fond memories, and I would never change it for a second. For those of you who never competed, you simply must! It is such a rush! Memories you will forever keep with you. For those of you who have surfed on and have excelled to the next level, my hats off to you!! You deserve to be praised, takes not only guts but excellent dexterity!

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1 comment:

Kantbe Thursday said...

Mari! You are so right! Desi was HJ, so she wasn't available to calm me down... My hands were shaking soooo much in RL.... Ko sat with me and held the barf bag... hahaha

And I was so, so calm at the last SurfJam -- NOT! I never expected to proceed past my first heat. When I was called back down the the beach, I had on the wrong rashie... as I started paddling out, I realized I has rezzed the wrong board!!! I dashed back out to the rez area to get the right one while yelling "wait for me!!!" HAHAHA!

What memories!

- Kantbe