Ash's Love Story

submitted by Ashleigh Dickins

Love is a many splendored thing. Love is blind. Love is patient. Love is in the air. Love is all around. Love is made for you and me. Love is what makes the world go 'round. Love is giving someone the ability to hurt you, and trusting them not to, on purpose, without a good reason. Love is a battlefield.

All of those cliche's are true. Love is so many things to so many people but it all boils down to just... love. People talk about the American dream, which I'm not sure anyone actually knows WHAT that is, though I've always thought it was 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.' Well finding love is the HUMAN dream. Aside from a handful of people who, for cultural or biological reasons, are not prone to love (say what?), the majority of us spend most of our lives seeking love in some form. Be it someone to love, someone who loves us, or a love that lasts, love really has endured the test of time. Sure, over the years it's changed some, anything does with experience, but it's still in the top 3 of most people's lists. Even hardened cynics find themselves looking for love. Maybe not fairytale love - after all, love takes work and sometimes it hurts. You can count me among that group.

I may not be actively pursuing love, but I'm open to it. It was with this in mind, along with my recent failed flirtations, that when Surfwatch Editor, Tauri Tigerpaw, submitted my name for The Dating Casino, I decided to go through with it. At first I had balked, not wanting to seem desperate, but everyone assured me that it was fun, and that I could lampoon Tauri when I wrote about it here. The Dating Casino asserts that love is a gamble, which it is, but also says that by going on it, my odds for romance would be improved. I was skeptical, but figured I'd be meeting three new guys so, hey, maybe... It ended up being a really interesting experience. Not only were there the three bachelors playing the game, but also some in the audience. The questions were probing and at times quite confusing. But by the end of the game, you could tell not only who you had chemistry with, but also who had the same thinking as you. I was suprised to have actually ranked highest and win a date with the mysterious Dr. Occam.

In addition to The Dating Casino, I've also tried to get out and about in the communities I'm involved with, which is great for making friends but less than stellar at finding love when so many people are already coupled up. Those that aren't, I end up in the 'friend zone,' or occasionally a 'fun buddy' as they say on Greek. Who knows, maybe eventually something will work out there, it has in the past, though never for the long run. However, I take solace in couples like Lissa Pinion & VW Sands, Robin Mapp & Monq Pinklady, Kimmy Jigsaw & Wilfrid Decuir, couples who are making it work. They're an inspiration.

I've also anxiously watched on plurk as the "SLMatchmaker" told anonymously about crushes. Basically, you send a private message telling who you have a crush on, they post that 'someone' has a crush on that person and if that person has a crush back, the match is made. If no match is made, there's no foul since it's anonymous. Sadly, no crushes on me there. But I am not giving up, maybe there will be one in today's Surfwatch Valentines, maybe I'll be surprised, maybe I'll go back on The Dating Casino. I may be spending this Valentine's Day on my own hunting Cupid Linden's hearts, but who knows where I'll be in a week, a month, let alone NEXT Valentine's Day. Besides, if all else fails there's always

Important Links:
Watch Ashleigh on The Dating Casino
What the heck is a plurk?
Cupid Linden's Heart Hunt & Other Goodies

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