Mick's first avatar
Being a gypsy nomad was cool. I woke up on beaches all over SL and a lot of nightclub floors half drunk, bleary eyed, too. I didn't gain a lot of respect but hey, who cares, I'm a surf bum! I met a gal at Chi once. She was a nomad and lived there. She sweet talked me and at Christmas I gave her a surfboard. She didn't take to the board that well. She was more interested in being an exotic dancer, I found out later.
One day she IM's me and says,"Hey, come see me dance. I TP there. Shes got boobs bigger than her head. "These babies make me tons of cash", she tells me. Hmm...okay, I think. She invites me to Chi. We arrive. Who do I run into almost immediately? SALLY (LaSalle)! I bet Sal doesn't remember. Here I am, boobcity at my side, I know of Sally, know it's her sim, embarassed as all get out, I sheepishly type, "Hi Sally." (smiles) Thankfully, she's kind or maybe didn't realize boobcity was with me.
Surf Nomad tips: Always expect the unexpected. Be quick with your thoughts. Keep your wits about ya. Need to bail out fast, open map, tp anywhere. Meet and befriend sim owner, if possible. Always consider a sim whos owner is asleep when you're not and vice versa. Best places to sleep, empty out of the way beaches, under structures, under bushes in thickets or jungles, that way you have time to compose yourself, read group messages, IM's, adjust clothes, etc. Worse places are open beaches full of beach chairs, towels, pose balls, etc, shops, city streets, people's homes (unless friends with permission, of course).
Being a surf nomad is a great way to see SL surf beaches and meet new people.
Until next time, be a surf nomad...GO SURFING!
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