submitted by Kristoffer Juneau
I wanted to thank everyone for joining the group and expressing interest in the XSA. I wanted to just update everyone on where we stand and what we have been up to. Things have been a bit quiet with us this past month and we put off our first comp to accommodate the SLSA schedule and also because we have just been overwhelmed.
I was away on vacation for a week early in the month and am leaving for the Caribbean tonight for 9 days (yeah, I know, enough complaining by me). At our store (JJ Lanes) we saw a drop in business in August, which is typical for August but still, it is of great concern for us. JJ Lanes is what pays for all of our sims and makes the XSA possible, so we had to prioritize. We put everything aside for this month and focused on our store and revamping our product line which is a HUGE undertaking, but has already shown an immediate return for us. After I return from vacation we still have a few weeks of heavy work with our store, but will also start assembling the troops and getting our first comp planned.
A few of you have shown great interest in assisting with everything from getting sponsors, judging, marshaling, planning and everything in between. We can't thank you enough for your help and anyone else interested in taking an active role give us a shout. This is EVERYONE'S organization and everyone's voice matters.
I want to settle a few rumors I hear about the XSA. The XSA is not intended to be a replacement to the SLSA or a competitive organization to MUST or the SLSA. Aurora Jacks and myself still support the SLSA and Team Piranha will be competing in all surf organizations. The XSA is no different than the VSA in that we are just looking at holding organized comps on our estate for all to enjoy in a different format and structure.
We do not tolerate bashing of other groups, people, or large overinflated egos. Just no room for that, and if anyone thinks that is what we are about then you surely don't know us. We also are vendor neutral (ok, well, we do push JJ Lanes furniture), but as far as surfboards and waves, yes, on our estate we do have Action waves and boards that we sell. That is a business relationship with Jak Surf and a personal preference of mine. This does not reflect the XSA. All board types will be allowed to be used. However there may be specific comps, such as a true longboard comp, where then restrictions may be put in place on boards. For most comps though, show up with your SSI, Action or HP board and maybe others and win with style on the waves.
So stay tuned in mid September for more information and news...right now I am off to veg in the Caribbean for a bit!
- Kristoffer Juneau
XSA Update

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