Dharma Austin, longstanding member of the Second Life surf community, beloved by some, whose real life death was reported to be 3-3-09, now appears to be alive and well as alleged on 8-7-09 on the post-mortem website http://www.isdharmareallydead.com/. It is well known and communicated by Dharma herself in SL that the RL person behind Dharma's persona has been fighting liver cancer for some time, and the SL community was told that she had died of complications. The fact that this website claims to be her stating she is alive in RL will come as a huge relief to those in SL that cared about her.
While Dharma Austin's identity has exited Second Life and is for some reason currently inaccessible, she remains listed on the Reef Riders surf team as the founder of the team, was heavily involved with the Armstrong charitable organization, Livestrong, and was a founder of several organizations (you can read more about her SL experience at her website). Supporters attempting to posthumously induct her into the Second Life Surfing Association Hall of Fame may be relieved to hear that she survives.
The isdharmareallydead.com website states Dharma made a reappearance in Second Life as Clare Abbey (rezzed 4-3-09 and states on Abbey's profile on 8-7-09 "account closed on June 10, 2009, at 8:28 PM"), introducing herself to many in the surf community, including SurfWatch, as Dharma's "neice" (http://www.clareabbey.com/). A few weeks ago, someone claiming to be Clare Abbey and Dharma's neice in RL contacted Barchan Paderborn, SurfWatch founding editor, to make an offer to buy SurfWatch. Was this the "real" Clare Abbey who states on her website as of 8-7-09 she is "not in virtual games any longer", or someone impersonating Clare Abbey? With so many alts at large, it is difficult to tell. SurfWatch is investigating and will keep readers updated.

Yes it was me asking Barchan if he wanted to sell SurfWatch. Me. a/k/a Clare Abbey/a/k/a Dharma Austin. I thought since I am spending so much time at home it would be something I could do mostly outside of the SL parameters under a new avatar. Probably not a good idea anyway Barchan wasn't interested. I pretty much have my hands full with my current art work and will be having my first and most likely last art show within the next month at Pump Project in Austin, TX. I am, as typical of me, donating all the proceeds to the Pump Project Complex which is a nonprofit organization for artists in my community. My Clare Abbey SL account is in that limbo "pending" stage...You know how Linden likes to keep it in case you change your mind so I popped in today for just a few minutes to apologize to Abel Halderman and Team Tsunami. My actions hurt Abel deeply as we were very close friends. He understood totally why I did what I did as he was witness to many of the vicious stalking attacks. One name that has contantly and repeatedly stalked me and is openly in SL is Truth Ansar. This avatar has stalked me since 2007. Every time my profile would change I would get a nasty IM. If I got a new boyfriend I would get IMs from Truth telling me "he's cheating on you" or some bull***. It's beyond rediculous at this point. Now that I have been away for so long when I look at the big picture - my activities in SL - never were all that impoortant except to a very few people who loved me like family. If that is all I took away from SL into RL with me then I am a lucky woman. And I would like to correct - I do not have liver cancer I have liver ciroshis and am on a liver transplant list. If I had liver cancer I would already be dead! They wait until you go into liver failure before you are considered for a transplant - and if there is one available - you get one. Over 4000 people die every year waiting for one. If nothing else I hope this brings to the forefront the importance of organ donorship. My son has agreed to give me 1/2 of his liver when I do go into liver failure. Not until then will the Mayo clinic consider such a procedure. Thank you and God Bless.
Clare Abbey
P.S. And for the record there are no alts of me floating around SL. One of Leah Corleone's friends has been accused of being me. I have heard of her and she isn't nearly as sassy as I was. hahahah!
I don't know what it means that I "totally understood". I found out about Dharma's reasons, and that's it. I understood what she did. But how can someone make fools of friends so badly... sorry, I did not understand that. So I don't see any reason to use me as an example of "understanding why".
On the other hand, I want to say: no hard feelings, it's the past, there is tomorrow and that sweet world of ignorance that I choose to step in sometimes. This is the situation I decide to ignore.
As for Truth Ansar, I also recieved several IMs from that sick person (muted now). I don't know who it was.
I stand corrected Abel I apologize. I guess I just assumed more than I should have since you were around during much of the really bad stalking. Thank you for forgiving me and letting past be past. I hope we can catch up some day on Skype. I also wanted to note that in the article Tauri posts she can't reach the Dharma Austin avatar for whatever reason and that is because that avatar account is closed for good. Even if I wanted to log in as Dharma (which I don't) I could not. I apologize to anyone this has hurt and that is why I commented on my site with a lengthy and tedious post so, hopefully, people would understand why someone would be driven to do what I did. In hindsight it probably wasn't the smartest thing I ever did in my life. I just wanted to be left alone so badly I saw no alternative. All the acccusations, all the lies about me were just building up on my shoulders and the weight of it was too much stress. And in my health situation health is my enemy. Yes I am tempted to come again to SL becasue I miss certain people but I just cannnot and will not as it is in the best interest of my overall health I stay away. I appreciate being able to make a few comments here as the website has now been closed. Thank you gain.
Dharma, I just wanted to say we're happy to give you a place to make a comment. We're happy to pretty much give that to anyone as long as they're not blatantly disrespectful of others, and use a name. I hope all goes well for you at your art show. And much good luck for the future.
OMG, am I reading "as the SLworld turns" or "general hospital in SL"--this is the most bizarro story i have ever read in print. Thanks I needed this.
Good luck all and once you figure it out...please we are glued to our keyboards awaiting the investigation.
Yes seinna! It is bizzaro and now I, Beloved Avril, am getting IMs from people I do not even know saying I am dharma austin. I never met the woman. I had heard of her from my former biz partner Leah Corleone as her and Leah were/are very good friends from what I understand. You know I don't think the use of the word, (beloved by some) in Tauri's article was an accident. If it was I apologize now. But I smell something like a rotten apple and it isn't in my pantry. FOR THE RECORD FOR ALL YOU WHO DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO dO EXCEPT TO SPREAD GOSSIP AND INUENDOS, I AM NOT DHARMA AUSTIN. I am very healthy, active, and alive and well and happpyyyy! Yes Imagine That! I am Happy! Stop IMing me and asking me if I am Dharma who is on a transplant list! No one but Doxx Dryke knows who I am and it ain't Dharma I assure you. FFS.
Recent revelations by Bel, particularly that she IS the same person as Dharma Austin, make this whole story even stranger and more pitiful. Hopefully, the typist behind Dharma, Clare, and Beloved can move on and live a more truth based life.
Yes Sunny this story is soooooo pitiful indeed. People need to remember that SL is a "GAME". I need not have to explain myself to ANYONE if I choose not to do so. So...gossip mongers, drama queens, and stalkers..........if not me they will always have someone to talk about or grieve. I had to close my Made in Heaven business due to the stress of stalkers and hate mongers. I gave up all my sims. NOW the stalking has eased up. Seems people don't want Beloved to have ANYTHING in SL! Well your wish has come so true. But I can assure you all I am not leaving SL. I have a partner I adore and love. I now sell ONLY on Xstreet. I own nothing in the way of land and I like it this way.
Also, despite all the bad things people want to think about "Dharma Austin" no one seems to care about all the good and nice things she did for SL surfing starting in 2006 when she started a "chain" of sims called Surf Islands. There weren't many of those in 2006 I assure you.
As for me....I got a threatening email 2 months ago from a person who has been a SLSA former board member, SLSA member, SLSA Hall of Famer, and ocassional SL Security Person at comps telling me "I'm coming after you in RL ________" and she used my real name! What lengths will people go to? I have filed a local 311 report on it as I have on others that have threatened my RL. I won't tolerate it based on inuendo, lies, and jealousy. Leave me in peace. Read my profile Favorite Quote. I couldn't say it myself better. I do not wish ANYONE any harm at ANY TIME. I just want to be with my Doxx and piddle around with making things. I don't socialize in SL. I just love my Doxx. That is all. Thank you.
P.S. And also, for the record, who are you to tell me I need to lead a more truth based life? How many lies have you told in SL? Who are you, or any of you for that matter, to judge me? You don't even know really who I am at all. You cannot see inside my heart. It's not nice to judge people you don't know or know nothing about. SL is full of gossip. If I believed everything I heard about people hahaha well there would not be very many people to trust or like. Some THRIVE on gossip. I am not one of them. But you yappers out there just keep it up cos there is always SOMEONE who will listen. That is the pittiful thing. Peace. Love. Don't Talk. Just Ride.
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