SL Relationships - Ask Dr. Love

Editors note:, love...ya, we know surfers love the wave and surfers love the beach bunnies and the beach boys. So along with the sims, the waves, the boards, the people, the fashions, etc., SurfWatch is dipping it's toes into the saltwater of SL looooove. We welcome Dr. Love to our staff to give us some advice and wisdom on our SL passion after surfing - love. It's all about da looOOoooove....

Letter from a reader:

Dear Dr. Love:

I have a bit of a dilemma. I have met the man of my dreams with the help of SL. It is heading further than just SL, and I hope we will be married in RL very soon!!

However, my dilemma is this: I come from a family of worriers! I am no child - I'm in my 20's - but that does not make my family worry about me any less. I wondered if you or anyone else out there can give me advice on how to tell your family that you are going to visit someone you have met off the internet. My family really do not understand SL either!

Help will be very much appreciated,
Anon Y Mous

Dear Anon:

First of all, you're lucky to have such a great family that care so much and worry about your well being. I can help you with this because I, too, have a personal family member who has done exactly what you're planning to do! Small world, isn't it, whether it be SL or RL.

You're a female and in your 20s and getting ready to travel to meet the person you have fallen in love with. From my experience, this is how you should approach this RL experience as a start. Have this man come to meet a few of your friends in a public place. Have him come to you, not the other way around! This is important, and it's simply a matter of using your better judgment! Your friends can meet this man, ask some questions, and just get a feel as to the type of person he is. If he is that serious about starting an RL with you, and he doesn't have a wife and kids at home, this will not matter to him one bit! He can spend the night in a hotel while you get together with your friends to discuss the meeting and make your decision. I would still suggest that you do not meet him alone in a private setting. If you choose to meet him the next day, bring a friend with you to a restaurant or some other public place. If the sparks are flying, set another date you two can meet and have some alone time.

Good luck with your SL man of your dreams, Anon! Hopefully, this romance continues into your RL! Tell your family you are having him come to meet you on your turf and that you will have friends evaluating this person for you. I think this approach will put them more at ease. Remember - he must come to you!!! Be cautious, be smart, use your common sense. If this is the right guy, you'll have your entire life together!
Dr. Love


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